Devotional: God of the Waters
Reading: Psalm 77
Marked: v16 "When the waters [at the Red Sea]] saw You, O God, they were afraid; the deep shuddered also, for the waters SAW YOU. AMPC"
When Moses raised his rod, that was not what nature saw. Nature perceived God willing a miracle and in recognition and obedience, nature defied itself; nature resisted nature & forced open a pathway of salvation for God's people.
In times of frustration I realize that I grow discouraged because I depend on my abilities and desire to work things out. I am blessed whenever the Holy Spirit puts sense back into me and I realize that in yieldedness, I am able to see the greatness of God at work in my circumstances. God has no limits and I must keep remembering that no opposition will hinder the plans He wills to accomplish in my life and through my life.
Today I pray for softheartedness, so that I can stay close to Him, walking His path for me.
When the waters [at the Red Sea and the Jordan] saw You, O God, they were afraid; the deep shuddered also, for [all] the waters SAW YOU.17 The clouds poured down water, the skies sent out a sound [of rumbling thunder]; Your arrows went forth [in forked lightning].18 The voice of Your thunder was in the whirlwind, the lightnings illumined the world; the earth trembled and shook.19 Your way [in delivering Your people] was through the sea, and Your paths through the great waters, yet Your footsteps were not traceable, but were obliterated.20 You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron.- AMPC
Marked: v16 "When the waters [at the Red Sea]] saw You, O God, they were afraid; the deep shuddered also, for the waters SAW YOU. AMPC"
When Moses raised his rod, that was not what nature saw. Nature perceived God willing a miracle and in recognition and obedience, nature defied itself; nature resisted nature & forced open a pathway of salvation for God's people.
In times of frustration I realize that I grow discouraged because I depend on my abilities and desire to work things out. I am blessed whenever the Holy Spirit puts sense back into me and I realize that in yieldedness, I am able to see the greatness of God at work in my circumstances. God has no limits and I must keep remembering that no opposition will hinder the plans He wills to accomplish in my life and through my life.
Today I pray for softheartedness, so that I can stay close to Him, walking His path for me.
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