Healthy Milk Options

In search for better milk options, You'll come across a number of brands.They're listed here for those who may be in need of information on healthier milk brands in Australia.

Bath Milk (unpasteurised, unhomogenised)
A number of milk purists would still advise you towards raw, unpasterurised, unhomogenised milk. Selling unpasteurised milk for human consumption is illegal in Australia. Pasteurisation is deemed essential in ensuring consumers drink safe milk. With news breaking out of a 3-year old kid in Melbourne possibly dying due to raw milk consumption, more are discouraging consumers from patronising raw milk (unpasteurised milk). Still, those who prefer unpasteurised milk would be seen purchasing milk baths for drinking. Officially, milk bath products specifically declare themselves on their labels as for cosmetic use and  unfit for human consumption. But, it's up to people to do what they want with their purchase when they get home. Here are a number of bath milk products in Australia:

Here's where you'll find this brand sold.

Organic/ Regular, Unhomogenised 
Moderate milk purists are content with consuming organic, unhomogenised milk products. The cows graze on pesticide and hormone-free fields. The milk is pasteurised to destroy harmful bacteria but is not homogenised, meaning, no further modification is applied. In homogenisation, the milk is altered and the fat moloecules are tampered with for consistency. Homogenised milk distributes the fat while unhomogenised milk will have cream on top. You would need to shake the bottle before pouring milk out. Debate still occur about the overall impact of homogenisation on health. The most sensible  thing would be going for more natural, less modified, less processed products. Check out a discussion on health issues that come with homogenised milk here.

Here are a number of organic-unhomogenised milk products and regular fullcream-unhomogenised milk products in Australia:

What is Jersey Milk?

Jersey Milk brands are varied. Jersey milk is sourced from a small breed of dairy cattle. The milk produced is high in butterfat content. The taste is more creamy. Consumption is reported to be light on the gut. You can purchase bottles in raw or pasterurised and  homogenised or unhomogenised forms.

What is A2 Milk?

An article by discusses A2 Milk here. In summary, cows produce A1, A2, and often, a blend of both. A2 milk products only contain the A2 property, which sellers and consumers say is light on the digestive tract. Those who are unable to tolerate lactose may easily tolerate A2 milk.

Where can we buy these choices?:
Woolworths and Coles have some. Aldi has organic but homogenised products. Organic shops have a good selection: Organika at Noosaville, Belmondos Market at Rene St., Noosaville, Kunara Market, Nourish Market at Tewantin may offer some. Mid-week and Weekend Organic Markets around Australia.

See information on more milk choices, company profiles, and specific locations here.

Wait, there is one unpasteurised raw milk that is legally sold in Australia. Made by Cow cold-pressed milk. It's the world's first legally declared safe-to-drink raw milk. Seller listing is found here. A report by gives further information here.

As for storage:

  • shares helpful information on storing milk here
  • a forum post discusses glass or plastic storage here.
  • Stanley does not recommend "putting milk or dairy products in our vacuum bottles or food jars for extended periods of time, as bacteria growth can occur at certain temperatures. Fermenting food and beverages may also cause pressure to build up over time."


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