Health: Top 3 Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Don't simply depend on tablets like Aspirin, Paracetamol, or other NSAIDS to fight inflammation. Make sure you up your intake of anti-inflammatory foods first and foremost. Often, this adjustment in your diet will already be sufficient to combat the inflammation your body is currently suffering from.
Here are 3 of the most effective anti-inflammatory foods to take:
1. Celery
NaturalNews covered a lot of studies showing the health benefits of celery. The luteolin content found in celery is a bioflavonoid high in antioxidant properties. This reduces oxidative DNA damage in the body. Luteolin is also one of only 2 which inhibits and suppresses inflammatory responses caused by allergens. In another study, luteolin was found to help fight against DNA mutations that cause tumors and cancers like breast, prostate, and thyroid cancer. It blocks activation of carcinogens, enhances detoxification, and stimulates DNA repair.
The Apigenin content of celery is found to be equally potent as anti-inflammatory drugs. Apigenin in Chinese medicine is used to treat gout and other arthritic conditions.
Celery is also a natural diuretic and helps relieve the body of high blood pressure and normalize blood pressure in the body. Celery also helps lower cholesterol. One study conducted by the US National Institutes of health confirms the anti-hypertensive properties of celery. The Alternative Daily also lists the health benefits of celery including improved blood flow and blood pressure benefits.
Some recommend eating 4 stalks minimum daily. You may also take celery seed extract caplets.
2. Cranberry
The book, Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects, 2nd ed. cites cranberry contains flavonols (a type of antioxidant) between 200 to 400 mg/kg and further states that Cranberry is the best source of flavonols among 30 flavonol-containing plant foods studied. The flavonol content in cranberry is about two times higher than 12 other commonly consumed fruit juices, which includes pomegranate and grape.
The same book lists the high anti-inflammatory health benefits of cranberry extract, with some as follows:
- fights against chronic bodily diseases (due to high concentrations of polyphenols)
- fights against cardiovascular diseases
- effectively lowers cholesterol
- fights against cancers
- inhibits the growth of tumors
- fights bacteria growth in the gastrointestinal tract
- helps maintain urinary tract health
LiveStrong discusses cranberry's benefits in this article while SFGate discusses cranberry's benefits here.
Have servings daily and especially when you are feeling sick. Try pure cranberry juice or extract caps.
3. Sweet Potato
Studies have proven the anti-inflammatory properties of sweet potato. A study made on purple sweet potatoes showed its high anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. Purple-fleshed sweet potato contains high amounts of antioxidants like phenolics, flavonoid, and anthocyanin.
Try them boiled, mashed, fried. Do a sweet potato pancake recipe some mornings.
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