Devotional: Light and Truth will Prevail

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness CAN NEVER extinguish it. John 1:5

Throughout history the devil has been influencing the wicked and unrepentant people of this world to destroy or suppress the Bible and True Christianity. While it is true that with each generation, genuine believers are becoming more and more of a minority, this verse holds true, the light will continue to prevail amidst the great darkness and no matter how evil people try to twist Bible truths and deny the existence of God; no matter how the stubborn demean, distort, or dilute all that is spiritual, God will keep preserving His Word and His Sovereignty will forever stand. Peter says all will pass yet the word of God will abide forever (1 Peter 1) and God will keep for Himself a people called by His Name. I am thankful to be among the Redeemed.

Today, I give Him praise for the salvation and truth I have been given in Christ.


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