Natural Ways to Fuel Your Sex Drive
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Fuel your desire and capacity for a meaningful and passionate sex life |
Familiarity, or more specifically, over familiarity, may dampen sex drive in marriage. You've seen it all, and you continue to see it all on a daily basis. Visual arousal may lessen after a lot of time spent together. Add to that the obligations, responsibilities, differing schedules, and differing personalities clashing on a regular basis. These other factors can contribute to a decreasing passion for sex in marriage.
There are natural ways you can make sex interesting again and regain your high desire for it. Boost your sex drive to heighten once more your desire for your mate with some helpful tips:
1. Get sufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation lowers libido, especially that of the man's. Testosterone levels decrease when men lack sleep. Catch up on sleep and turning yourself on will come easier and more often.
2. Increase physical activity. A sedentary life 'downs' the spirit and the body. Sex is a physical activity and often, people who lack or seem disinterested in exercise and movement have low drive for sex. Study also shows that exercise increases libido and helps treat erectile dysfunction in men. Do take caution not to overdo it as extreme workouts tend to lower sex drives as well.
3. Normalize your weight. Obesity is one proven cause of erectile dysfunction in men and frigidity in women. Also, studies show that high rise and low dips in BMI affect the libido. The instability of weight messes with the hormones. While weight loss normally pumps up sexual desires, too much weight loss may diminish it as well. Aim for normal weight and maintain it.
4. Spice up your meals especially leading to date and lovemaking nights. Certain spices increase blood flow and dilates blood vessels, particularly, helping men reach erection. Try adding garlic to your dishes and sprinkle some hot chili while you're at it.
5. De-stress. Release tension regularly. Go get a massage, watch a movie, stroll through the park. Highly tensed muscles and distracted minds are never in the mood for sexual intercourse. So, clear your mind and soften those tight spots for better and more frequent sex.
6. Observe proper hygiene. Make a pact to always smell good for each other. You come home from a long day of work or a long day of house chores, so, make sure to get a good shower. This invites hugs and cuddles. Also remember that fresh breath is always open to stolen kisses. Always make yourself appealing for 'making out'.
7. Have a special scent for the bedroom. Social Issues Research Center gives a good discussion on scent association. The mind is amazing in that a smell can invoke certain emotions and perceptions. The sensation of the smell can elicit the sensation of an experience. Scent up, Get ready for a good make out, and do it. Make this a regular experience, and it will keep being a regular, pleasant experience.
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