3 Truths to Remember In Tough Times
We are living in tough times right now. 2020 has not been a friendly year. The global pandemic, COVID-19, has driven the world into a deep state of confusion, worry, panic, even selfish acts and crimes. How are we to cope? How can the Christian weather this crisis with a firm trust in what He knows about God and Christianity?
Times of crisis are times of shakedowns. It can be a make or break moment for the child of God. Remembering essential truths is key to staying grounded. Here 3 truths to remember in tough times.
God loves you.
When times are tough, we can start doubting God's love. But it's important NOT to.
No parent would want a child to suffer hardships or pain. Every loving parent's instinct is to shield a child from harm or pain. Our loving Father is that way with us. God is good. God is love. That is who He is. We may not understand why He lets us go through tough times but we should never doubt His great love for us.
"He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" (Romans 8:32) He has loved us with an everlasting love. With lovingkindness He has drawn us to Himself ( Jer. 31:3) and the same lovingkindness will be with us, over us.
Remember, the presence of hardships does not mean the absence of His love. Jesus warned us beforehand that in this world, we will have troubles. (John 16:33). As God's children, we are not of this world. The opposite is very true. Every abiding Christian is at war with the system of this world.
We may well expect adversities. Expect the enemy to constantly be at work, trying to bring ruin to everyone who's full faith is in His Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan is like a roaring lion that goes about seeking to find those he can destroy. (1 Peter 5:8).
We may well expect adversities. Expect the enemy to constantly be at work, trying to bring ruin to everyone who's full faith is in His Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan is like a roaring lion that goes about seeking to find those he can destroy. (1 Peter 5:8).
Redeemed ones, know and be secure in God's love for you. Romans 8 says that nothing can ever separate us from His love. And it's when times are tough that you need to welcome and draw comfort from God's agape love for you.
You can have peace.
When times are tough, we can begin to panic. We can lose sleep. We can become so unsettled that it's hard to put our minds and hearts to rest. And if we let these go on, mental and physical stress will set in. Then comes the breakdown. Then comes internal and relational conflicts.
Christian, know that when times are tough, you can still have peace. In fact, you should have peace. Phil 4:6 says that unexplainable peace will come to guard your heart and mind to rest and trust in Christ. While the rest of the world scramble and fall, with your weakened legs, you can let the Strong One keep you firm and safe amidst the turmoil and uncertainties.
You may not find answers. The solutions may not come as quick. Deliverance may be a long way off. But you know that One walks with you every step of the way. There is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. (Prov. 18:24) There is a Father who will never forsake you. (Heb. 13:5, Deut 3:16)
Remember Job? He was all questions. His friends, rather than enlightening him, judged him wrongly. His wife, rather than being a completer and supporter, urged him to curse God and just resign himself to death. In the thickness of confusion and heavy feelings, God came. He came, and the only answer He gave was, "I am God. There is no one that comes close to all that I am [His capacities and character]." (Job chapters 38 to 41)
In the struggle, in the wearisome issues and happenings of life, still your heart and mind in His presence. Know that He is God.(Psalm 4 6:10). Even though you may not know all things, even though you may not have things, God is enough. He has to be. And, He will be. That is God's very answer to each believer's wonderings and doubt.
In the struggle, in the wearisome issues and happenings of life, still your heart and mind in His presence. Know that He is God.(Psalm 4 6:10). Even though you may not know all things, even though you may not have things, God is enough. He has to be. And, He will be. That is God's very answer to each believer's wonderings and doubt.
Abiding is key.
Romans 8:28 is a popular Scripture believers claim for all sorts of reasons. The truth is simple. God is working things out for our good, at all times, no matter the circumstances. But this promise is only true for those "who love Him", for those who are "called to His purpose."
Our abiding, our love and devotion to God is key. On this earth, a Christian won't have a perfect, sinless, and smooth life. There will be challenges to face along with temptations and weaknesses to overcome. We will have victories and we will have defeats.
When you love God and seek to live according to His purposes, the path, step by step, will lead to His best for your life. You will listen to the Spirit as He leads.(John 14:26). You will be sensitive to the stops and the "Nos" of God in your decisions, actions, thoughts, and feelings. (Psalm 37:23).
Strength and victory are yours as a child of God. But you need to abide. The Lord Jesus tells us that we need to remain in Him. (John 15:2). And as we do that, life becomes fruitful. Joy becomes abundant (John 15:11) and persistent in the midst of difficulties. We find God's way out in times of temptation.(1 Cor 10:13). We discover the most valuable possessions and priorities in life. (Col 3:2). And therefore, all that we do bears meaning. (1John 2:17)
photo credit to Daniel Reche
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