What the OMNISCIENCE of God Means to You

Omniscience is God's unique attribute where He knows all things. Nothing is unknown to our God. And there is nothing for Him to still discover or learn.

Our omniscient God is complete in knowledge and understanding. He was never a newbie or neophyte at anything. He does not need to study or gain experience.

God is omniscient. This means He has unlimited understanding and knowledge. God will never run out of knowledge and cool ideas. His ever creative mind is always at work. Whatever He thinks of and do will always be founded on solid, stable, and trustworthy reasoning and planning.

His omniscience enables Him to think perfect thoughts and plan perfect plans.

God's omniscience allows Him to know the past, present, and future in all their entirety. Just as God knows everything in the past, He equally knows everything that is yet to be.

We get to find out every outcome and event as they unfold in the present, but God already knows what's coming and what is to come.

We are incapable of retaining every memory, but God is and does.

God is omniscient in that He knows truth at face value. He is always objective. Unlike us, His opinion always equals truth. His judgement and view on any issue is factual and objective.

He thinks based on what He knows, which is absolute truth. That means He cannot form a wrong opinion. And He will never pass wrong judgements.

He can never be mistaken about people, things, or events. His omniscience allows Him to always be right and spot on about everything and everyone.

The Omniscience of God Means that You Can Trust His Plans for Your Life.

In Jeremiah 29:11, God says

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God's plans are for man's ultimate good. Even when things are not looking good at the moment. Romans 8:28 says that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him.

The Omniscience of God Means that He Knows Better than We Do.

When we don't understand what He's doing. When we can't accept the unfairness or difficulties of life. Know that God knows so much better than we do.

And even if it's hard to reconcile why our God of love allows evil and negativity to seemingly go undealt with, trust Hm.

Wait on Him to make things clear in the future. And even if He doesn't, still choose to bless and praise the Name of The Lord.

Let's learn gratefulness from Job, who said in Job 1:21,

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”

An Omniscient God means we can unashamedly be honest, transparent, and open before Him.

Hebrews 4:13 says that

"No creature is hidden from God, but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must render an account."

Sometimes, we feel the need to put on a brave or friendly face, even when we don't have the strength to do so. We hide our weaknesses and faults because others may not understand.

We try to be the role model because we have a responsibility to set a good example to our kids. We are obligated to keep explaining ourselves, so people don't misunderstand us.

Life lived under pressure and under the scrutiny of others can be sad and tiring. So we need to know that with our God, there's no pressure.

Our Father knows you inside out, and yet there is nothing to fear. He knows everything there is to know and understand about you and me, and He greatly loves us the same.

We don't need to hide things. We don't need to ever pretend. And we don't need to keep explaining ourselves.

We can come and enjoy His fellowship just as we are. We are accepted. We are forgiven. Most of all, we are given grace and strength to do better than before.

Celebrate God's Omniscience

Thank Him for His perfect mind and wisdom. Worship and trust the Father as He oversees, guides, and cares for you. 

Love on the Line by Hillsong Worship

top photo credit to moshehar


  1. Amen. when we know that GOD knows everything, We can enjoy His promised “peace that passes all understanding” by keeping our heart and mind in Him - He knows all, is with us everywhere and has the power to work around and through our circumstances


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